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Toddler Tuesdays 

Please fill out the following form to register you and your child for participation in our Toddler Tuesdays Summer Classes

Toddler Tuesdays Summer Camp

For children 18 months to 42 months of age

Child's Birthday

These summer camp classes are aimed at providing a language-rich environment for children and to help parents understand how to promote language throughout daily routines. Parents will be asked to accompany their child throughout the class. In order for this class to benefit all children and adults involved, we ask that you consider your child's skill level prior to signing them up. This class will be most beneficial for children who have joint attention skills and are able to follow modeled directions for participating in activities. Your child does NOT have to be able to produce any words (through any modality) to participate.

Please choose which class or classes you would like to sign up for.

Price per class = $30

Payments should be made through PayPal to @CommunicationAtHeart

or please call/text the office at 706-225-8979 to set up another way to pay.

Payments must be received in order to consider your child registered as spots are limited.

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